- The head can pivot on a hinge and rotate on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The torso can tilt frontwards (or backwards in a limited manner) via an inverted L-shape ball joint construction.
- Shoulder parts can be pulled frontwards for extra upwards articulation.
- The arms can...
- Swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- Raise horizontally.
- The upper arms can rotate.
- The elbows and knees are double-jointed.
- The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The waist can rotate, though the railguns must pivot up to provide clearance.
- Front and side waist armor/railguns can pivot to avoid interference with the leg articulation.
- The hip joint axis can pivot upwards/downwards on one side.
- The upper thighs can swing frontward (and backward in a very limited extent due to the single-piece rear skirt armor), raise horizontally and/or rotate on each piece.
- The ankle joints can pivot and/or swivel (though limited) on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The wings are jointed, allowing some articulation.
Weapons/Other Gimmicks
- Any of the included weapons can be wielded by the hands.
- Beam Sickle hilt can optionally store onto the Love Striker.
- Railguns can optionally flip up to form attack mode.
- The wings on the Love Striker can be unfolded.
- Love Striker can be rearranged into attack mode with the Linear Guns present.
- Striker Scythes can be optionally removed as handheld weapons.
- Love Striker can be removed from the K7 adapter piece and attach to any HGCE Strike Gundam kit and/or its variants.
Beam Saber hilts can be optionally removed from the Railgun/Waist armors.
- Beam Saber hilts can also be combined to form a dual-bladed weapon.
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